Guidance Notes

Guidance Notes

Guidance Note #1

Getting The Most Out Of Slip Testing

Getting The Most Out Of Slip Testing (PDF)Download
Guidance for those considering commissioning a slip test for risk assessment purposes. Advice on factors to consider such as sampling rates, slider selection, contaminants and reassessment.
Guidance Note #2

Understanding Slip Ratings

Understanding Slip Ratings (PDF)Download
Guidance aimed at helping those responsible for the purchase or specification of flooring products. Advice on the most common test methods and which is most likely to be appropriate in the UK.
Guidance Note #3

Cleaning & Slip Resistance

Cleaning & Slip Resistance (PDF)Download
Effective floor cleaning is crucial in maintaining optimum slip resistance and minimising slip risk. This guidance note discusses how and why to clean flooring, and includes pointers on making a case for changes to established but ineffective cleaning regimes.
Guidance Note #4

Pendulum Verification

Pendulum Verification (PDF)Download
A straightforward guide to conducting Pendulum verification in line with the current UK best practice.
Guidance Note #5

Slider Preparation

Slider Preparation (PDF)Download
A guide to ensure sliders are prepared perfectly, allowing you to produce reliable and repeatable test results.
Guidance Note #6

Pendulum Calibration & Servicing

Pendulum Calibration & Servicing (PDF)Download
The key points regarding how, why and when your Pendulum should be calibrated, how Munro can provide an accredited calibration service and how the process works for the customer.
Guidance Note #7

Pendulum Test Quick Reference Guide

Pendulum Test Quick Reference Guide (PDF)Download
A 'cheat sheet' suitable for those who might need to remind themselves of the critical aspects of the testing process. A handy guide to print out and keep in your Pendulum box for reference on site.