What to do in the aftermath of a slip accident in your workplace

What to do in the aftermath of a slip accident in your workplace

The prospect of a serious slip accident occurring within the workplace, is a nightmare not just for the injured party, but for responsible parties too. No matter how well trained your workers are or how many health and safety procedures you have in place, accidents can still happen. Post slip accident, employers will typically expect 'the blame game', mountains of forms and checklists to complete, potential... read more

The Human Factor in Workplace Slips and Trips

The human factor in workplace slips and trips

Mistakes can be made by the best of workers, regardless of how well trained or motivated they are. Mistakes made in the workplace can have big consequences; not only can they be costly but they could cause severe accidents and harm to others, with implications for the employer as well.

It has been found that human factors play a significant role in almost all workplace accidents in some form or... read more

The Importance of Slip Testing from a Health and Safety Perspective in the UK

Slips, trips, and falls are among the most common causes of accidents in the workplace, leading to injuries, lost productivity, and increased costs for businesses. In the United Kingdom, ensuring a safe working environment is a legal requirement under the Health and Safety at Work Act 1974. As part of comprehensive risk management, slip testing plays a crucial role in preventing accidents and promoting the well-being of employees. This article explores the significance of slip testing from a health... read more

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